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Executive committee


Catherine Mercier

Titulaire de la Chaire de Recherche

Université Laval

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Occupational Therapist, her research focuses on sensorymotor functions and pain in a variety of clinical populations in rehabilitation (cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, stroke, amputation, chronic pain, etc.). Her laboratory works on the development of rehabilitation interventions and on the underestanding of underlying neurophysiological mechanisms to help technologies such as non-invalise brain stimulation, electrophysiology, virtual reality and robotics.

Executive committee

Kaouther Bressrour

Adjointe à la vice-rectrice et Directrice du bureau des chaires et des entités structurantes · Vice-rectorat à la recherche, à la création et à l'innovation

Université Laval

Geneviève Desbiens

Directrice développement philanthropique, Direction des communications et de la philanthropie, Faculté de médecine

Université Laval

Marie Grandisson

Membre du comité directeur de la Chaire de Recherche; Erg.; Ph.D.; Faculté de médecine: Département de réadaptation

Université Laval

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Marie Grandisson is an occupational therapist. Her research interests focus on the development of communities that are more conducive to the participation of children with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders. She is particularly interested in occupational therapy practices that support children and the key players in their daily lives, with a view to strengthening the capacities of family, educational or leisure environments.

Véronique Flamand

Ph.D.; Présidente du comité directeur, Directrice adjointe au développement et au rayonnement de l'École des sciences de la réadaptation; Faculté de médecine; Programme d'ergothérapie

Université Laval

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Occupational Therapist, her research focuses on manual functions in individuals with movement disorders in order to optimize rehabilitation interventions aimed at upper limbs in children and teenagers with neurological deficits, as well as in adults with muskuloskeletal problems. She is also interested in better understanding the neurophysiological mechanisms related to movement control and in the development of new assistive technologies facilitating the performance of activities of daily living in a more autonomous way.

Hélène Pépin

Représentante de la Fondation J-Raymond Pépin

Joseph Koury

Représentant de l’Association de Paralysie Cérébrale du Québec.

President of the cerebral palsy association of Québec.

Pascale Tremblay

Professeure titulaire, département de réadaptation

Université Laval​

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Pascale Tremblay is a member of the steering committee of the research chair in cerebral palsy at Laval University. She is also a full professor in the department of rehabilitation at Laval University and a regular researcher at the CERVO research centre.

Jean-Sébastien Roy

Professeur titulaire, département de réadaptation

Université Laval​

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Jean-Sébastien Roy is a member of the steering committee of the research chair in cerebral palsy at Laval University. He is also a full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Laval University in the Department of Rehabilitation.